Heartrender                                 Healer                                 Squaller                                 Tidemaker                                 Inferni                                 Durast                                 Alkemi
Grisha Looking Glass

What Your Type Says About You

by Myriam Adel
21 May 2024
Grisha, wielders of the Small Science. Their place in society has quite the history, and a violent one in some nations, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss. The history books will teach you that!

Instead of discussing what we usually know about grisha and their powers, I figured it might be more fun to think about something else. That is, I wanted to explore how being a certain type of grisha can at times say something about one’s personality! While abilities are just one part of someone’s character, it can be interesting to explore and analyze if there are underlying patterns. So, shall we dive in?

Disclaimer: This is all for fun and only scratching the surface of how being grisha might influence one’s life. Your character doesn’t have to fit into any boxes and they may be the complete opposite of any descriptions mentioned, which might even be more interesting! Treat this almost like a personality quiz—entertaining, but not final.

Grisha of the Order of Corporalki

First up, we have the Order of Corporalki, or the Order of the Living and the Dead, known for their red color in the Second Army. Those who fall under here have a certain manipulation over the human body depending on their abilities, with our common two being…


Potentially the type that is more commonly feared, heartrenders are able to inflict damage on human bodies in various ways. Rest assured, though, that just because someone is a heartrender doesn’t mean they’re a violent person out to get you. They may feel more inclined to protect others or themselves depending on their experiences, though, so they’re good to have on your side.
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They might also have an unnerving interest in biology in ways you might not want to discuss at the dinner table, however.


Healers are known for—as their name implies—healing the human body. They rectify any harm that may be caused by their counterparts or others and are generally handy to have around if you know a particular occasion will be dangerous. While not all healers will be warm and fuzzy, they may be likely to have a caring nature to them, typically looking out for others in their circle. In a sense they’re similar to heartrenders but in a different way, looking to protect others from harm’s way by making sure they don’t get hurt.

Grisha of the Order of Etherealki

The Order of Etherealki, or the Order of Summoners, would be represented by blue in the Second Army. Those under this Order have control over a particular natural element, the main three being…


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Grisha who are able to manipulate the very air around them, they are only as loosely defined as the very wind they summon. Their abilities lend to being one of the most subtle within their Order and their ability to eavesdrop using acoustic anomalies may lead them to be excellent spies—or maybe they just enjoy gossip. It may be that they enjoy being outside more than indoors and it wouldn’t be odd for traveling to be a favorite pastime.


Tidemakers are a complicated sort to pin down, similar to their squaller friends. While one might assume since they summon water they might be likely to “go with the flow” and act more free-spirited, it does not do to forget they can also manipulate other forms of water like ice and mist. This can make for some mysterious individuals that are hard to pin down depending on which form they most prefer to summon. Remember that as Fjerda says, the water listens and understands but the ice does not forgive.


While it certainly is easy to joke about, no, not all inferni are pyromaniacs. They may likely be passionate individuals, though. Fire summoning requires a great deal of power and force so it can give way to strong people both of mind and muscle. While it could lend to some…uncontrollable instances, those of this type might on the other hand have a larger understanding of self-control due to knowing how hazardous their abilities could be when left to run wild.
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Grisha of the Order of Materialki

The Order of Materialki, or the Order of Fabrikators, is responsible for many innovations thanks to their manipulation over materials. Dressed in purple in the Second Army, they are divided into…


Known for being able to manipulate most anything solid on a molecular level, durasts are likely to be connected with nature in many ways thanks to how closely they work with it. They can even make flowers bloom! As such, one could wager they might prefer traditional spring over winter. They can also take in harmful matter, though, so let’s hope the durast you know isn’t too self-sacrificing. Either that or they may just be a danger to themselves.


Speaking of danger to themselves, we have our chemical scientists in the form of alkemi. Since they specialize more in blasting powders and poisons, they may hold a lot of worrying knowledge. While they could be one of the most cautious people you’ve ever met thanks to what they work with, they could also just be a mad scientist, who knows? Maybe don’t drink things they offer—or remind them to also not ingest the wrong thing.

What Do YOU Think?

Do you notice any of the traits mentioned in characters you’ve spotted? If you’re grisha, do you find yourself relating to your type’s description? If you’re not, which description do you most relate to? Give us all your thoughts!

Miscellaneous Grisha

You may know that there are types not mentioned in this blog that are rarer to come by thanks to their unique abilities. What do you think being a Sun Summoner might say about someone? A Tailor? It’s your turn to analyze!

No matter whether you’re grisha or tick any common boxes, there are some brilliantly colorful characters out there for you to explore!

Until next time!
World of the Grishaverse ©