Book Quiz: How Well Do You Know Siege & Storm?
How well do you remember the plot of Siege and Storm? Time to use our interactive quiz to find out whether you’re as much of a Grishaverse expert as you think!

- From : Waru Nassali

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Madilyn Kalinski

Madilyn Kalinski Well it has been years since I've read it but I got 6/10- my memory could do with a refresh though

Annika Xìngyùn

Annika Xìngyùn oooh 7/10, considering it's probably been actual years since I last read this, that's actually not too bad 😂

Kyler Mozami

Kyler Mozami 7/10 - I recently read this to a friend again so I was hoping to do slightly better, but, I am satisfied with this! Some of those were tough questions!

Zorana Callagher

Zorana Callagher I did bad... Like I tried to do it from memory, and I have not read this one in ages. - 3/10. Lucky guesses I think!

Franz Vasilyevich

Franz Vasilyevich Oh I haven't read this one in a fair while - 6/10 - I might need a bit of a reread me thinks!

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