Canon to Costume: Crafting the Kefta for Shadow and Bone
What is a more iconic symbol of Grisha than the kefta? Join us in exploring the kefta's importance in the universe and the costume design which brought it to life!

- From : Waru Nassali

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Franz Vasilyevich

Franz Vasilyevich Amazing post Waru! Its lovely to see the hard work of the costume designers acknowledged here <3 They did such an incredible job bringing the keftas to life. I have to admit, I'm a massive fan of the heartrender keftas... something about black on red just gets me xD

Lifen Kir-Wang

Lifen Kir-Wang that was very interesting to read waru \o/ it was a nice insight into all the hardwork that went behind in making keftas and how detailed and intricate they are. That is probably one of the reasons I love keftas ehe ^^ personally I love the color combination of red and black so love those heartrender keftas!!

Tuya Kir-Yagaan

Tuya Kir-Yagaan amazing article, Waru! the show's kefta designs are all so gorgeous too, but i'm partial to Genya's all-white Tailor kefta, i loved the needle design of her embroidery. now if only i could sew myself D:

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