Book Quiz: How Well Do You Know Shadow & Bone?
How well do you remember the plot of Shadow & Bone? Time to use our interactive quiz to find out whether you’re as much of a Grishaverse expert as you think!

- From : Waru Nassali

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Franz Vasilyevich

Franz Vasilyevich 9/10 - surprising considering I last read Shadow and Bone at least 4 years ago!

Madilyn Kalinski

Madilyn Kalinski 9/10 :o

Fiadh Lyons

Fiadh Lyons 8/10 :D

Annika Xìngyùn

Annika Xìngyùn 8/10 :o wish I could've gotten it perfect cos Alina but that's pretty good considering I last read it years ago now 😂

Aalee Knox

Aalee Knox 4/10

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