Book Quiz: How Well Do You Know Six of Crows?
How well do you know the plot of Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows? Use our interactive quiz to find out if you’re as much of a Grishaverse expert as you think!

- From : Waru Nassali

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Estella Moryakova

Estella Moryakova 10/10 wohoo!!

Adontei Gravitis

Adontei Gravitis 10/10 let's go!

Annika Xìngyùn

Annika Xìngyùn an embarrassing 5/10... in my defense, it's now been years since I finished reading it 😂

Madilyn Kalinski

Madilyn Kalinski did not score 4/10- tbf never read the book sooo

Ruza Sizi

Ruza Sizi 10/10!!

Ajaa Shevan

Ajaa Shevan 10/10!!

Ajaa Shevan

Ajaa Shevan LOVE

Vanya Sokolov

Vanya Sokolov only 7??? out of 10? I only was insecure about one answer... *dies under the rock of shame*

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